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The therapist and practitioner of experience studying special field(aromatherapy, reflexology, healing, and so on) support your life and the improvement of quality of life.(reservation only)​

Fumio Saito (man therapist)

Practitioner of the IFA (International Federation of Aromatherapists)

Aromatherapist and Instructor of AEAJ (Aroma Environment Association of Japan)

Esalen®Massage Practitioner

LaStone®Therapy Body&Facial therapist


specialize in Aromatherapy, Esalen®bodywork (Esalen®Massage), LaStone®Therapy (Body & Facial)

The IFA is a Professional Association founded in 1985 and the world’s first established organisation for professional Aromatherapy and Aromatherapists.

Continuing Professional Development is upheld and is part of being an IFA member.

Full indemnity and public liability insurance are held for client safety and protection

In addition to Aromatherapy I am trained and qualified in Esalenbodywork(Esalen massage) and Lastone Therapy.

The nearest station:
  7 minutes on foot from the west entrance of yokohama station(30min fromTokyo station)
  4 minutes on foot from the Hiranumabashi station on the Sagamitetudo (Sotetu) Line
  9 minutes on foot from the Takashima-cho subway station on the Blue-Line
  10 minutes on foot from the Tobe station on the Keihinkyuko Line
  10 minutes on foot from the Shintakashima station on the Minatomirai Line

Address:Okano, West Ward, Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan

◆for the guest with thanks◆​​​​


①We make a discount of 10% for your first visit.

②valuable point

1point for \2,000. If you save 10 points, a discount of \1,000 is made.


Yokohama Aromatherapy Salon

PADMA Healing Arts

1, Okano, Nishi-Ward, Yokohama-city, Kanagawa-prefecture

seven minutes on foot from south-west entrance of Yokohama station, four minutes from Hiranumabashi station,

and within walking distance from Shintakashima and Takashima-cho.

business hours:

11:00~21:00 Friday~Monday

14:30~21:00 Tuesday~Thursday



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